We have labs at the Imperial College White City campus (Molecular Sciences Research Hub) and at the South Kensington campus (ACEX building). If you would like to use our equipment feel free to get in touch to initiate a collaboration.
Microfluidics & Rapid Prototyping
Soft lithography station
Spin coater (Laurell)
Low-pressure plasma system (Diener)
PDMS chip fabrication station
3D printer (Ultimaker 3)
3D bioprinter
Selection of programmable pressure pumps (Elveflow) and syringe pumps (Harvard)
Commercial Dolomite microfluidics setup
Dolomite Mitos Dropix system for droplet sequence production
Home-built bespoke microfluidics rigs for the production of droplets, liposomes, beads, giant vesicles, mesophase particles, and nanoparticles.
Microscopy & Analytical Instruments
High-end automated inverted fluorescence microscopes (Nikon)
Programmable microscopy Peltier heating/cooling stage (-20 °C to 150 °C)
Confocal microscope (Leica)
2x stereoscopes, with fluorescence
Optical trapping microscope
Magnetic induction coils for nanoparticle heating (Ambrell)
Well-plate reader for fluorescence, UV-VIS, FRET, luminescence. With temperature functionality (>60 °C) and gas control for hypoxia studies (Clariostar).
Electrophysiology rig
Vesicle Preparation Instruments
Extruders (for SUVs and LUVs)
Electroformation setup
Bath sonicator
Tip sonicator
Home-built bespoke microfluidic setup for GUV manufacture
General Lab Facilities
Bacterial and mammalian cell culture facilities
Turbidity meter
Vacuum ovens
Selection of lasers, LEDs and irradiation chambers
2 x Benchtop centrifuge, temperature-controlled, including rotors for well-plates
Other Equipment with Group Access
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS; Malvern)
Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
Flow cytometer and Nano-flow cytometer
Confocal microscopy